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Conference paper information

Chaotic behavior and coherence resonance in semiconductor superlattices at room temperature

E. Mompó

20th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry - ECMI 2018, Budapest (Hungary). 18-22 June 2018

Spanish layman's summary:

Las superredes semiconductoras débilmente acopladas tienen un comportamiento no lineal que las vuelve tecnológicamente interesantes. En esta charla nos centramos en las interacciones constructivas con el ruido, que permite detectar la presencia de señales ocultas por el ruido de fondo.

English layman's summary:

Weakly coupled semiconductor superlattices show a non-linear behavior that raises technological interest on them. In this talk we focus on the constructive effects with noise, which makes possible the detection of a weak signal hidden by the background noise.

Publication date: 2018-06-18.

E. Mompó, Chaotic behavior and coherence resonance in semiconductor superlattices at room temperature, 20th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry - ECMI 2018, Budapest (Hungary). 18-22 June 2018.

    Research topics:
  • Data analytics
  • Nanotechnology
  • Numerical modelling

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